A latest information from the CDC reveals 1 in 3 Americans suffer from pre-diabetic condition. It is even more alarming that most of them are not aware of its presence in the body.
11.3% of Americans, or 37.3 million individuals, have diabetes. The number of undiagnosed cases could be even more significant (says a CDC report, 2022).
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According to specialists, type 2 diabetes progresses significantly more slowly than type 1. Years may pass before a patient with diabetes exhibits any symptoms. Compared to those with Type 1 diabetes, those with Type 2 diabetes are more likely to experience blurred eyesight and more skin infections.
Since the early signs of diabetes appear gradually, they sometimes go undiscovered until significant bodily harm has already been done.
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According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the following conditions on the skin could also be indicative of high blood sugar:
skin maladies
Open wounds and sores
Shin marks
tiny, rosy-yellow bumps
Itchy or dry skin
Yellowish scaly spots on eyes
body tags
Red, yellow, or brown spots
Darker skin region that feels velvety
Increasingly tough skin
It will be possible to know if you are at risk for diabetes through early screening. Early detection and intervention can lessen the likelihood of complications and limit the disease’s course.